Quick Statistics as of April 26, 2024
  • P1.8 BILLION

    Total Loan Portfolio

  • 238,000

    Total Members

  • 135


  • 33


The ARDCI Savings and Loan System (SLS)

Hard work alone does not guarantee success – not without valid opportunity and adequate resources. Hence, it is ARDCI’s mission to initiate sustainable progress for our fellow Filipinos hedged within the boundaries of indigence by providing requisite products and services which are otherwise inaccessible to them.


ARDCI instills the habit of saving among its members.



ARDCI offers collateral free and capacity based loans with flexible terms. .



ARDCI provides financial support in times of health emergencies, disability and death.



Corporate Social Responsibility commits to serve communities towards good health, proper education, and a sustainable environment.

The 5K Initiatives stand for Kalusugan, Karunungan, Kalikasan, Kalinisan at Komunidad which provides programs marginalized Filipinos need - from health services to community outreach programs.


Latest News and Updates

Notice Of The 2024 Annual General Membership Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Membership Meeting of the members of ARDCI
Microfinance, Incorporated will be held on 23 August 2024 Friday …

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Soon-to-open ARDCI Bank Office

An enhanced banking experience awaits you! ARDCI Bank ARDCIBank is getting ready to extend an invitation to our new location. Keep an eye out as we gear up to unlock our doors soon …

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ARDCIBank: Resilient Foundations; Empowering Futures

ARDCIBank, a Rural Bank (formerly known as VisionBank), emerged as a spin-off from a significant microfinance initiative of ARDCI (now ARDCI Microfinance) …

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Going Beyond Microfinance

ARDCI MFI delivers 

a stronger commitment 

to continue enriching lives 

and empowering communities.

Check this out!

Is there anything we can do to help you?

Message us.

    • @ardcimfi
    • ardcimfi@gmail.com
    • 0917-807-3463

      customer service hotline: 09608605993

    ARDCI Micofinance Head Office Map Loading...
    ARDCI Microfinance Incorporated, 3/F ARDCI Corporate Building, San Roque, Virac, Catanduanes