ARDCI Hygiene Kits Distribution: Panique, Caramoran

Joyful recipients showing their hygiene kits.
ARDCI Microfinance, Incorporated distributed hygiene kits to 260 households in Panique, Caramoran to promote health and hygiene awareness last March 23, 2019.
Each hygiene kit includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, bath soap, shampoo, cotton buds, and nail cutter. Moreover, it also has a first aid kit that contains a thermometer, betadine, gauze, plaster, and bandage.
Brushing teeth together. Children have to brush their teeth first before having the fluoride application.
Hygiene promotion was an important part of the distribution of the kits thus it followed a lecture on oral hygiene for children who participated in tooth brushing drill. 198 children between six (6) to ten (10) years old had their teeth applied with fluoride conducted by volunteer dentists.
Women who had their free Pap Smear.
Lectures on cervical cancer awareness have been discussed to women on whom twelve (12) of them have availed the free Pap Smear. The activity will help families to stay clean and help to prevent the spread of diseases partly due to hygiene-related health problems

Happy Faces. Jollibee poses with the children once again proving that Bida ang Saya.
Laughter and excitement fill the place as the mascot of Jollibee appeared and graced them by dancing his signature song which was applauded and joined with happy children.
Ms. Rona Marie O. Villar, Corporate Social Responsibility Coordinator, led the distribution which was part of ARDCI’s 5k Initiative, Katuwang sa Kalusugan.